Our Story

Welcome to KENATA Casablanca, a brand born out of passion and a deep commitment to making a
positive impact on the world. But first, let us tell you a story. Our journey began with the vision of creating a maroquinerie brand that celebrates the spirit of a remarkable woman from Moroccan history – "Khnata Bent Bakkar."


« KHNATA », the esteemed wife of Sultan Moulay Ismail, left an indelible mark on the history of Morocco. As the first known ambassador of the country, she was not only revered for her intelligence and ability to unite people but also admired for her dedication to Education. Her legacy shines brightly through her establishment of the largest library in Africa, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and learning. Inspired by her impactful history, we proudly named our brand "KENATA", as a tribute to this great lady and her instructive mission. At KENATA, we are not merely a label ; we are driven by a profound purpose that goes beyond crafting genuine leather handbags for women.


Our Social Commitment: With a strong belief in the power of education to transform lives, we have embarked on a meaningful and solidarity-driven mission. As part of our commitment, a portion of our profits is dedicated to providing fully equipped backpacks, brimming with school supplies, to underprivileged children in remote villages nestled in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco. With each purchase, you contribute to our shared vision of fostering education and providing these deserving children with the opportunity to learn, grow, and build a brighter Future.


Elegance with Purpose: Our handcrafted handbags are designed to be more than just fashion accessories; they are a symbol of elegance with a purpose. Versatile, functional, and stylish, our bags accompany you Everywhere, be it for a casual day out or a special occasion.

Together, We Create Change: At KENATA, we firmly believe that by coming together, we can make a
significant impact in the lives of others. With your support and commitment, we are confident that we can create a positive change and empower the next generation through education.


Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey. Together, let's carry the spirit of "Khnata Bent Bakkar" and the power of Education in every step we take. We are delighted to have you as part of the KENATA family, where fashion meets purpose, and where we work towards a better, brighter world.



Brand without mission and environmental commitment remains incomplete. At KENATA Casablanca, we are not only dedicated to empowering underprivileged communities through education but also to nurturing a sustainable planet.

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